Friday, April 27, 2007

Hands in My Pockets.

So I've been taking quite a holiday with the next paper only being on Wednesday. It wouldn't really make much of a difference if I decided to sit and study rather than drink, watch movies and talk. It's all would-be idled time translated into doing things that actually derive some pleasure and add to the fact that I won't be sad and miserable about wasting so much time in the great pretence of studying. And we all know that I'd talk and make noise either way. It's time well spent then! But I should start working on the coming papers since we all know how the already-done ones are going to turn out.

Surprisingly, I did fairly decently for my half-baked series of term papers and tests which I got around to collecting(finally!) today. I suppose I could have done better but considering the slipshod crap I churned out for everything it's amazing I managed to get what I got. Le français a été très bien, merci! Je suis trés heureuse!

I miss my fat rolly. One more day till home!


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