Wednesday, April 18, 2007

It's Lovely to be Staring Up at the Sky!

Bah, I hate exams. It's hardly a foreign notion to anybody so I guess it could be left unsaid. I'm sitting in the lounge in the morning, actually doing work, in the morning I must repeat! The roommate woke up for the first time this semester to find me up and running about and not in a semi-comatose state, snoozing off my alarm till thy kingdom come.

Sometimes it amazes me how much of an incredibly lazy person I am. I think I've lived my life in a constant state of procrastination and it's quite annoying really, to think of all the things I would have accomplished if I had just as much determination as all the grand plans I have. Plink, plank, plop. Nevermind, I suppose I get by. Or will at least.

"Of the wonder and glory of work;
Let pulpiteers preach and with passion impeach
The indolent wretches who shirk.
No doubt they are right: in the stress of the fight
It's the slackers who go to the wall;
So though it's my shame I perversely proclaim
It's fine to do nothing at all.It's fine to recline on the flat of one's spine,
With never a thought in one's head:
It's lovely to be staring up at the sky
When others are earning their bread.
It's great to feel one with the soil and the sun,
Drowned deep in the grasses so tall;
Oh it's noble to sweat, pounds and dollars to get,
But - it's grand to do nothing at all.So sing to the praise of the fellows who laze
Instead of lambasting the soil;
The vagabonds gay who lounge by the way,
Conscientious objectors to toil.
But lest you should think, by this spatter of ink,
The Muses still hold me in thrall,
I'll round out my rhyme, and (until the next time)
Work like hell - doing nothing at all."


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