Saturday, May 5, 2007

Emily Brown, To You.

"Who do you think is comin to town?
You'll never guess who,
Lovable, hugable Emily Brown,
Miss Brown to you.
What if the rain comes pattering down?
My heaven is blue,
Can it be sending me Emily Brown?
Miss brown to you.
I know her eyes will thrill ya,
But go slow, oh, oh
Don't you all get too familiar,
Why do you think she's comin to town,
Just wait and you'll see,
The lovable little miss brown to you,
Is baby to me, yes, yes
Mark it down."

So the exams are finally over and I'm quite the free bird for the moment! I don't like how exams end these days. In previous times, I'd actually feel a rushing sense of relief as I put my pen down, lavishing in the freedom that my hard work had actually attained. Those were good feelings. Now it's just a half-hearted sigh with some gladness that it's all over but there's no sense of accomplishment, which leaves me a little empty inside. It's not the first time, and I pray for it not to become too much of a habit.

I've spent a wonderful couple of hours since though, starting off with a McDonald's surprise party that was hilarious and silly and absolutely, perfectly fantastic. One would never have imagined a crazier sight, twenty adult-ish looking people in a cordoned off section of your neighbourhood fastfood joint, dancing the Chicken dance with more fervour and enthusiasm than your wildest bunch of kids. I'm sure we were the worst behaved lot they'd ever had, but the manager seemed to love us nonetheless, while the bewildered diners outside peered in half amused and half annoyed and the amount of noise we were making.

If there is one thing I will miss about hall during the holidays(Disclaimer:Bee Hoon, I will miss you MOST of all) it will be talking through the night and into the wee hours of the morning. I think I would be completely content if the one thing I could do for the rest of my life would be to sit with someone every day and just talk uninhibitedly about anything in the world. I think there are few other things that would make me as happy.

After the sun had come up and I managed to get some shut-eye, I took Bee Hoon and Teesa to Little India for a visit which was quite an interesting experience even for me, I must say. I am quite a Coconut la, OKAY. I admit. I'm not very cultured. I'm just me. Take or leave it. (: Anyhoo, we spent the rest of the day shopping and Bee and I ended up back at ol' Seah Im. I remember that place fondly and had I not been quite so tired I would have suggested taking another stroll back to hall, ergo I would probably be collapsing back in hall right about now.

People are slowly moving out of hall and it's quiet. The silence is salient. There's a twinge of sadness whenever you notice that the place is not quite like it used to be. People are leaving, some for good, some for the holidays. I've never been good with goodbyes. I've had some of the best times of my life this year, I've met some of the most amazing people in this hall, some of whom I've only just gotten to know or appreciated weeks or days before we're meant to say goodbye. But well, all things come to an end, good or bad, and things that are meant to be will find themselves in their fated directions. Notalgia, nostalgia. I think it's times like these when I'm about as wimpy and soppy as I'll ever be.

C'est comme ça, oui?


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