Thursday, May 10, 2007

BitterSweet Goodbyes.

"I can never ever say goodbye to the wind , sea and the sky,
Because though they may be free, they also make me cry.
To take away what I feel dear drains, for me, my inner soul."

So I have officially moved out of hall for the holidays. I took days to shift out, a good deal of the reason why was because over the year I'd managed to transfer everything I've ever owned and more into the little half of my sweet room, and partly because I just didn't want to leave. It's tough leaving everything behind. In the past year, I've grown in more ways than I can imagine, found myself in places I didn't know existed and best of all, met people I never thought I'd love more. I know i'm coming back and that my 'home' is not entirely lost, add to the fact that there are things i love about being back in my real home. But I suppose nobody likes good times to end. On top of it, there are the people whom I've only just met and warmed up to and much as I wished I had more time with them, there just isn't any. There are promises to keep in touch, to stay in contact, but really, it's scary how much too often, what's once said with heartfelt meaning can all fade into mere words as time blows bye. It just occurred to me the other day that having the best of times eventually provides you with the harshest of pains. When it all ends (and everything inevitably will) it cuts you like a knife and even deeper. Okay, well don't mind me. I'm just very emotional with goodbyes.

So on to brighter things, it's been quite an interesting week back home. My things from the hall room now occupy ALL of my home room, and my hall space is about half the size of what I have at home. How I managed such a feat is beyond me, and I have completely bewildered/annoyed the folks too because they've had to manage the endless moving of things and now my un-enterable room. I shall work things out by tomorrow, I shall!

German classes have started and it's been sehr gut! Other than that I've been running around visiting my lovely aunties(who ask endlessly about whether there are any strapping young men in my life. Nein, oh nein! ), doing some Bee Hoon things(est-ce tu a aimé ta fête? >, shifting the last of my things out and READING! Oh, my life! If there is one thing I have ignored for too long, it is that! The best thing about living so far away from school is that I get about four hours a day of time with my books and the papers and it is serene and I am content. I have also finally started getting back to being fit, registered at Alliance Français , planned out the tennis schedule and had the Welcome Home fight with the mother.(Well, everything goes, innit?)

I feel like I'm finally doing something productive with myself and I'm revelling in my momentous drive to do some justice to my being. In the past year, I think I've found my social self and have enjoyed it thoroughly, but I've at the same time, in sheer sloth, ignored the intellectual side of things in the process and it's time to get both on par. Discipline, discipline. It's all about discipline, and I hope that after being on a life-long guilt trip about never quite accomplishing all the things I could have done with just a little more effort, I shall change the direction in which I'm headed and fulfill all the wonderful things written in the stars!

EH, leopards can change their spots okay. If you didn't know that, you're just stupid. Pfft.


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