Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Madness in Love, Reason in Madness.

Oh joy. I woke up at 9 this morning and I suppose for someone who's been waking up at 6am almost every day for the past few weeks(sans my evil week of sin (: ) it is quite a joyous occassion to wake up for the first time with absolutely nothing to do or nowhere to go. It's been such a maddening rush of people, work and training and I'd say it's quite timely for some solitude and recuperation! I probably would have lolled around in bed for a couple more hours but my dad happened to leave later than usual for work and was quite mortified to see me still lounging about at ungodly hours. Being a strong proponent of early mornings that my daddy is, I don't think I've ever had the opportunity to get out of bed later than nine. I've never actually been dragged out of bed but for years on end there'd be the dratted tamil radio blaring from 6 in the morning or my old man'd come into the room and switch on all the lights, asking the golden question "What time are you waking up?". How on earth could anyone possibly sleep through that? These days it's mother's morning prayer CD that truncates the last few precious minutes of my sleep, of which the entire hour long procession has been emblazoned into my head, not by will, and more often than I like, I find my hitherto taciturn self muttering mindlessly along with the sermon, "Chastity begins in childhood, in the training beginning in the home.." Jesus, if anyone needed a lecture on sinfulness, I'd give one to you right now.

I have grudgingly been co-erced into joining this networking thing called Facebook. Dammit. I've never cared much for these Friendster things and I've been perpetually annoyed by the constant requests and invites to join Ringo, MySpace and whatever else on virtual earth exists. It's too impersonal and I suppose I am old-school and enjoy actually meeting up with physical beings rather than writing them silly testimonials online. Facebook however, has this extraodinary function of letting you throw sheep at people, which I personally think is reason enough for anybody to join Facebook.

Alright I shall be off to lounge about and figure out what to whip up for dinner. Bee Hoon! Tu viens toujours ici? Je suis surpris que tu fais exercice dans Les États-Unis! Ha! Tu me manque!


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