Friday, June 8, 2007

Why hello!

My KL weekend was supremely hilarious and I had quite the ball with all the femmes de famile. Mother of course brought the entire church with her and as such was not spared the ridicule that comes with being so ridiculous. I think my religious opinions have evolved quite alot of late, to the point where I find myself amused by anyone who prays fervently and in total belief that there is this greater person who will solve all their problems. I don't meant to insult the pious for the way they pray, but I suppose personally I stuggle to grasp the idea of absolute faith in something so unknown. Everytime I hear religious invocation, I can't help but wonder how anyone can put everything so blindly into the unknown. The way I see things, religion is largely a man-made structure. At least one should be suspect about things just a little? I used to believe alot more than what I do now, so I do know what having a belief in god can do for you. It brings one hope, something to believe in and comfort when you have nothing else. But ultimately, it's still something that can never be confirmed, and I don't know how to put absolution on an existence so far away and unattainable. I digress and I shall stop because we all know that I can go into a long litany when it comes to this matter, and I will never end this post. And then you have all the starving children and this and that, and that and this..

So where was I? Ah yes, the trip was great. The cousin and I turned into eating machines and I think in the two days I was there, I had about ten meals, which is really quite awful, don't you think? We even woke up on Sunday morning at seven just so that we could have two breakfasts squeezed into the morning before lunch, afterwhich I had the most amazing cinnamon roll in the history of the universe from this place at One Utama called Cinnabons. Amazing, i tell you. I was standing there in the middle of the shopping complex with chocolate and cinnamon covered lips, moaning in absolute ecstacy and wishing that I had not been such a hobbit because I could have eaten about ten more if there had been space after our multiple, consecutive meals. I bought a decent amount of stuff including a pair of shoes that I've been looking for my entire life(only to come back home and chip them while walking down the stairs). The cousin and I wrote many silly stories which we plan to use to get us rich and well, we all had a very nice time with each other. The hotel messed up our bookings so we had seven of us ladies stuck in a tiny suite with one bathroom. Mornings were hilarious with all of us screaming and rushing each other out of the loo because everyone needed to pee at the same time. I have a cousin that looks exactly like Manbeer.

Oh yes, and the seven of us should never form a singing group of any sort. We all broke into song on one of the long car rides and I tried to get the lot to synchronise "In the Jungle", which ended up being a ridiculous disaster, but a very funny one at that.

Adults are such silly beings really, and the two "young ones" concluded that the oldies would not have survived the trip without our supervision and quiet direction, all of which they would certainly deny vehemently and claim to know nothing of the sort.Tsk. Only when we're gone will they realise..

So I am back in Singapore, back to the grind of things but happy to be home nonetheless. There is no other place quite like it. I am pleased to announce that I am into my last week of German and come Tuesday when the finals are over, I shall be free from memorising hundreds and thousands of words and my brain will finally be able to rest. Advice to all, never try to speed-learn a language in 6 weeks because it is exhausting, inebriating and will create in you a very brain-dead situation. Add to the fact that if you are anything like me, who has never been accustomed to long, arduous periods of consistent hard work, you will very likely become adverse to it by week five and refuse to do anything at all much as you know that you absolutely must.I have so say though, that I'm quite proud of myself because I can speak relatively fluent present-tensed German and I like the language- I'm just tired of the compulsory cramming of vocabulary into my head, something I never had the displeasure of doing in French. I hereby say that I am a Grammar Girl. Hurrah!

I shall say one more thing. I have a new desktop which is so damn fine.


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