Thursday, May 17, 2007

Of Girls and Such.

I stepped into town yesterday for the first time in months, (perhaps I've been in once or twice for a late night movie but I think it doesn't count!) and to be honest, I can't say I missed much of old Orchard Road. I've always tried to convince myself that I like shopping, and well I love new clothes, shoes and what not, but a little over an hour after we commence, I'm dying to stop and go home. I hate the crowds, hate the entire process of picking things out and having to try them and especially hate shopping with people because you have to be considerate and wait for each other, mumble a little here and there when your partner falls for something completely ghastly, even more so when they try and convince you to try on that ridiculously awful looking top while you smile wryly and wonder to yourself what one earth you're doing there. I suppose it's nice hanging out with friends and face it, most girls like to shop and as such most of my friends do too, but sweet Jesus, it's beyond me how any sane person can go for hours on end, not just looking meticulously at every single piece of cloth in sight but also trying them all one. Doesn't it get tiring for anyone else to have to keep changing and unchanging, over and over? I've had many a conversations with the girls about the pains of shopping and well, apparently I'm just strange.

The aunt's not a bad person to shop with, though as usual I enjoyed the company well over the actual activity itself. I got a nice few things and that is the only pleasure about shopping. You could say I'd like things to fall out from the sky! Halfway through our trip, my beautiful Elizabeth Arden bag gave way on me, no thanks to the heavy German books I'd been lugging around in it. I was quite grumpy about it, because it's probably the only branded item I own apart from maybe Wilson or Nike and considering the brand I'd have expected to to at least be durable. Although since I really don't give much when it comes to names, as Ümlaut pointed out yesterday, it was nice and apple-ly coloured and I don't like loosing pretty things. I went around looking for a new bag that could match up to it's standards(of colour, obviously) but not it's price and about five minutes into the search, I decided that I couldn't take any more perusal and let the aunt pick out a fairly fine-looking one.

Apart from that little adventure(and I dare say that there won't be another time quite so soon), there's been German and tennis and the whole lot of running up and down from school. Almost all of my girlfriends are away or working and unavailable, and as always, it's at times like these when you truly realise what integral parts of your life they've been and how quiet it is when they're not around. Come back soon, girlies!

And for some unrelated chatter,

"Some men tear your heart in two,
Some men flirt and flatter,
Some men never look at you,
And that clears up the matter."


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