Monday, April 30, 2007

Two Sleepy People

There I've changed it, OKAY Bee Hoon? I am a Chua, not a Lim.

Blogger's a bitch, but after wrestling with it for a bit I've got a new song up too. I couldn't find the Dean Martin or Silje Nergaard versions but this will suffice.

I'm sleepy. I woke up at 11am, had lunch and a cuppa and hauled all my stuff to the lounge to get cracking on some work. After reading a page, I was getting all droopy-eyed so I ran back to the room for a nap. Had a very yummy(!) dream and I'm back in the lounge, but suddenly I'm feeling sleepy again. Damn it. I've always been a time-idler as opposed to a sleeper when it comes to reasons for not studying so I wonder what this is all about.


Sunday, April 29, 2007

Goodbye and Hello.

A officially checked out today, a week earlier than me since she's done with exams and with her internship around the corner. It's quite surreal because there hasn't been a week since we started out in hall where she hasn't been around. Even if there has been, her stuff's been around to act as a constant reminder of her returning presence. It's interesting because despite the fact that we've always done quite a bit of our own thing, being largely independent people, now looking across to complete emptiness feels strange and uncomfortable. I have grown reliant on her in at least some ways. Nobody gives sounder advice or bears with my ridiculousness quite so contently. There isn't anyone to look across and smile at and there is no more quiet company to enjoy. But well, it's not all lost considering the three months will fly, as time always does, and we'll be back here again.

It'll be quite an adjustment I think, not just one of not being around a person I've spend the most amount of time with, but to moving back home. I wonder how that'll be. It's been such a change being on my own. I've grown so much more than I thought, I enjoy my space, my independence and my being able to do anything I want, whenever. It'll be a change for the folks too, a welcomed one I'm sure, but after being apart for so long sans weekends which are short and count for little, I wonder how we'll all readjust. We will I'm sure. I ought to give them more of my time. Enjoying yourself away from people that are most important in your life can make you selfish, and I have to admit, I've been neglectful in some aspects. I miss the folks and my rolly and it'll be interesting to be home, to say the least.

"Times have changed and times are strange
Here I come , But I ain't the same
Mama, I'm Coming Home"


"Like you, Parvati, I long for wild fire love. The kind that goes amok
across the Himalayas, over the Deccan plateau. The kind that boils
dry all the water in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea ...
And like you, I feel my tiger all the time. My lips are hungry.
All the time. Fire leaps in my jugular. All the time. I am hungry.
I am ready. '
Ready to walktalkwritethinklaughfightlove in a fire storm way."

- Firewife

Friday, April 27, 2007

Visual DNA!

Your imagination, confidence, willingness to explore, and appreciation of beauty make you a CREATOR.
You are independent, and you enjoy your self-sufficiency.
Defying convention, you are very innovative, and you have a vivid imagination.
The look of things is important to you, and you have a keen eye for aesthetic beauty in multiple arenas.
You have a strong interest in what is new and exciting—and that includes forging ahead with new ideas, not simply discovering what is already out there.
Your eagerness to seek new and varied experiences leads you into many different situations.
You're not set on one way of doing things, and you are creative when it comes to finding novel solutions to complex problems.
You trust yourself to be innovative and resourceful.
Your confidence allows you to take your general awareness and channel it into creativity.
You're not afraid to let your emotions guide you, and you're generally considerate of others' feelings as well.

You are a great person to interact with—understanding, giving, and trusting—in a word, BENEVOLENT
You don't mind being in social situations, as you feel comfortable enough with people to be yourself.
Your caring nature goes beyond a basic concern: you take the time to understand the nuances of people's situations before passing any sort of judgment.
You're a good listener, and even better at offering advice.
You're concerned with others at both an individual and societal level—you sympathize with the plights of troubled groups, and you can care about people you've never met.
Considering many different perspectives is something at which you excel, and you appreciate that quality in others.
Other people's feelings are important to you, and you're good at mediating disputes.
Because of your understanding and patience, you tend to bring out the best in people.
You're not afraid to let your emotions guide you, and you're generally considerate of others' feelings as well.

My Personal Dna Report

Très interessant!

Hands in My Pockets.

So I've been taking quite a holiday with the next paper only being on Wednesday. It wouldn't really make much of a difference if I decided to sit and study rather than drink, watch movies and talk. It's all would-be idled time translated into doing things that actually derive some pleasure and add to the fact that I won't be sad and miserable about wasting so much time in the great pretence of studying. And we all know that I'd talk and make noise either way. It's time well spent then! But I should start working on the coming papers since we all know how the already-done ones are going to turn out.

Surprisingly, I did fairly decently for my half-baked series of term papers and tests which I got around to collecting(finally!) today. I suppose I could have done better but considering the slipshod crap I churned out for everything it's amazing I managed to get what I got. Le français a été très bien, merci! Je suis trés heureuse!

I miss my fat rolly. One more day till home!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Universal Genius.

IQ Test Score

Ah well, certainly uplifting after a self-inflictingly bad paper.

Monday, April 23, 2007

This is Bliss.

Blurry photos and you can't see the pouring ran, but suffice to say, we had the time of our lives.
Nevermind the exams for the moment, this is what life is really about.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Sunday, April 22, 2007

If You Happen To Be As Bored..

Saturday, April 21, 2007

With Flowers in My Hair.

"Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair,
In '77 and '69, revolution was in the air
I was born too late into a world that doesn't care,
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair."

Friends - Elizabeth Jennings

"I fear it's very wrong of me
And yet I must admit
When someone offers friendship
I want the whole of it.
I don't want everybody else
To share my friends with me.
At least I want one special one
Who indisputably,
Likes me much more than all the rest
Who's always on my side,
Who never cares what others say
Who lets me come and hide
Within his shadow, in his house -
It doesn't matter where -
Who lets me simply be myself,
Who's always, always, there."

Friday Five on A Saturday

1. What have you said lately that has gotten you into trouble?

Oh, most certainly opening my mouth about the foam party. Such deplorable behavior must indeed be kept under wraps.

2. When is the last time you censored yourself?

These days? Never. I've been quite the vulgar girl of late.

3. Describe your last date:

HA. What date?

4. Go to the closest window -- what do you see?

My neighbour's cutsie-pie toddler attempting to shake her ass at the door.

5. What's your favorite board game?

Above all, Drunken Risk!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Oh Me, Oh My!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Eloisa to Abelard

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

It's Lovely to be Staring Up at the Sky!

Bah, I hate exams. It's hardly a foreign notion to anybody so I guess it could be left unsaid. I'm sitting in the lounge in the morning, actually doing work, in the morning I must repeat! The roommate woke up for the first time this semester to find me up and running about and not in a semi-comatose state, snoozing off my alarm till thy kingdom come.

Sometimes it amazes me how much of an incredibly lazy person I am. I think I've lived my life in a constant state of procrastination and it's quite annoying really, to think of all the things I would have accomplished if I had just as much determination as all the grand plans I have. Plink, plank, plop. Nevermind, I suppose I get by. Or will at least.

"Of the wonder and glory of work;
Let pulpiteers preach and with passion impeach
The indolent wretches who shirk.
No doubt they are right: in the stress of the fight
It's the slackers who go to the wall;
So though it's my shame I perversely proclaim
It's fine to do nothing at all.It's fine to recline on the flat of one's spine,
With never a thought in one's head:
It's lovely to be staring up at the sky
When others are earning their bread.
It's great to feel one with the soil and the sun,
Drowned deep in the grasses so tall;
Oh it's noble to sweat, pounds and dollars to get,
But - it's grand to do nothing at all.So sing to the praise of the fellows who laze
Instead of lambasting the soil;
The vagabonds gay who lounge by the way,
Conscientious objectors to toil.
But lest you should think, by this spatter of ink,
The Muses still hold me in thrall,
I'll round out my rhyme, and (until the next time)
Work like hell - doing nothing at all."

Sunday, April 15, 2007

So Where's My Moral Parallel?

"Attract me,
Till it hurts to concentrate.
Distract me,
Stops me doing work I hate
Just to show him how it feels,
I walk past his desk in heels,
One leg resting on the chair,
From the side, he pulls my hair.

Masculine you spin a spell
I think you'd wear me well
Where's my moral parallel?"

I like men. :)

I went to church today, and the good sir in the robe was preaching on the importance of faith. Apparently there are terrible people out there who while being christian, feel that they should allow their children to choose their own faith when the time comes, and not force religious doctrines down their throats.(So there, with such coinciding views, I fall under this category of people!) Why? Well, we make so many decisions for our children, we give them names for example, without letting them go nameless till they decide that they might fancy Jesus or Mary. We send them to school, imposing on them our beliefs when it comes to education. Hence, how can we live bereft of consistency! If we choose to send Rosieposie for ballet classes, it is only right to send her to church too! Logic my dears, it all comes down to logic. It's not so much about the importance of faith, but that we need to be consistent. People can be such funny creatures. I think my mother is silently worried about my salvation. Oh mummy, worry not.

Anyhow, on the topic of religion, I think I must stop ascribing to different religious beliefs. I have moved through Catholicism, Agnosticism, Atheism and right down to Deism and I have finally realised I am probably a bit of everything but I cannot thoroughly conceptualise what on earth that is supposed to mean. Perhaps things are not meant to be so rigidly defined to the confines of a particular premise. But I think for the understanding of my own self, I need to know to some extent, Who I am. So, for the moment, I shall suspend all religious beliefs and become instead the Religious Observer, this being held until I can get enough understanding of everything I need to understand to become something more definitive. Objectivity makes me happy!

So you can believe in god and I, in Alice in Wonderland.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

C'est Magnifique Être Sympathique

"Je ne veux pas travailler,
Je ne veux pas déjeuner,
Je veux seulement oublier,
Et puis, je fume."

C'est vrai sans le fumer.

Il fait beau temps aujourd'hui et je veux seulment aller à la mer! Mais tristement, je dois écrire mon essay.
Je firirai aujourd'hui. C'est un promesse.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

C'est Comme Ça.

"Après la pluie le beau temps."

J'ai été le test oral aujourd'hui et il est baisé. Parce-que ma binôme parle français comme chinois, et je ne comprend pas chinois-français! Comment c'est possible pour personne? Mais, ce n'est pas une surprise puisque, dans cette pay, tout les gens parlent englais en chinois. C'est frustrant puisque on apprend englais comme la premiere langue. Tant pis.

Je suis un râleur maintenant.

Grinch m'a téléphoné ce matin quand je dormais parce-que elle a fini ses examens. Très bien pour elle! Je souhaite le temps s'envolerai. Je veux être libre!

Je pense que c'est un blog ennuyeux!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Je Suis Bien Baisé.

Oh lordy, I am fucked.

Je me casse mes bon-bons. Mais je n'ai pas des bon-bons! O dieu, qu'est-ce que je fais? Je pense que je suis une grande cochon. Bien travaille. COMMENT!??

I Love the Rain Most

"I opened my eyes
And looked up at the rain,
And it dripped in my head
And flowed into my brain,
And all that I hear as I lie in my bed
Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head.

I step very softly,
I walk very slow,
I can't do a handstand--
I might overflow,
So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said--
I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head. "

It rained today and it was the perfect sort of rain for frolicking about outside and getting drenched. But it's no fun going and there was nobody around who thought it was a pleasant idea at all. "Are you mad?" they all said. Mad! It's madness that you wouldn't want to! Sometimes I wonder about the people around. It isn't fun to dance alone, so I just sat outside and watched the precious rain for a bit. It's been so hot these couple of weeks and it was nice to welcome some cool weather, if only for awhile.

I've changed paper topics three times in the past day, and goody for me, I've got about a day left to cough something decent up. I am a pain. So I shall stop writing useless drivel and get back to work. Good night.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Beware the Jabberwock!

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
the frumious Bandersnatch!"